
When an ex-pat moves to Macao to run his twin brother's Artificial Intelligence company, he falls under the influence of a charismatic casino owner who recruits him to sell a crypto coin to the Chinese elite, but he soon discovers he's the dupe in a huge money-laundering scheme that might be orchestrated by his treacherous twin.

When an ex-pat moves to Macao to run his twin brother's Artificial Intelligence company, he falls under the influence of a charismatic casino owner who recruits him to sell a crypto coin to the Chinese elite, but he soon discovers he's the dupe in a huge money-laundering scheme that might be orchestrated by his treacherous twin.

When freelance writer, Dani Fairleigh, courts romance guru, Guy Woelffer, to learn his seduction techniques and reveal him as a fraud, Guy falls for her and comes to the realization that his life of teaching men to pickup women only encourages hatred and violence towards the fairer sex. He is soon faced with an existential crisis -- give up his lucrative career or lose the love of his life.

The A.I. Casino breaks down A.I., machine learning, and deep learning into five unique use cases—sound, time series, text, image, and video—and also reveals how marketing executives can utilize this powerful technology to help them more finely tune their marketing campaigns, better segment their customers, increase lead generation and foster strong customer loyalty.

The A.I. Marketer breaks down A.I., machine learning, and deep learning into five unique use cases—sound, time series, text, image, and video—and also reveals how marketing executives can utilize this powerful technology to help them more finely tune their marketing campaigns, better segment their customers, increase lead generation and foster strong customer loyalty.

The A.I. Hotelier breaks down A.I., machine learning, and deep learning into five unique use cases—sound, time series, text, image, and video—and also reveals how hotel marketing executives can utilize this powerful technology to help them more finely tune their marketing campaigns, better segment their customers, increase lead generation, and foster on strong customer loyalty.